I work in the studio most days and often have some paint left over.
I keep a jar and add any paint to it and make a gray for future mixing.
I also always keep a smaller size canvas close by.
I cast off any extra paint onto this canvas without thinking.
Sometimes its done in 4-5 strokes and sometimes I keep it for a week, finishing it when I am in between drying times.
This is great practice for good composition and interesting new color combinations.
It also encourages the intuitive process of making deliberate and unconscious marks.
You can purchase bulk packs of smaller sizes inexpensively and keep them handy in the studio for CASTING OFF! You may find they are some of your favorite works!
Here is an example of a before and after 12 x 12

Upcoming workshops and events:

JOIN ME!!!! Saturday, August 4th Endless Summer Show !
Jessica Hagen Fine Art
Newport, RI
July 16-18 Intuitive Drawing and Painting The Providence Art Club call for wait list
July 31-Aug 1 In the Artist Studio Studio North Narragansett, RI wait list
Nov 6-8 Nov 13 -15 Intuitive Drawing and Painting Center for the Arts Bonita Springs call for wait list
Jan 10-11 Drawing for the Non-Objective Artist Center for the Arts Bonita Springs
February 17-19 Absolutely Advanced Abstract Painting Center for the Arts Bonita Springs
Call for wait list Prerequisite required
